
Western Sicily - pfgm Formation House…





FRIAR GIUSEPPE M. (PRIEST since April 2017)


In addition to the primary work of evangelization (cf. Luke 10:7)

- Vice-Servant General of the Little Friars of Jesus and Mary, officially since July 16, 2014

- Board Member pfsgm

- Rector of the Team for Priestly Formation pfgm in Italy, since March 9, 2018, reconfirmed on January 26, 2023

- Servant Superior of pfsgm Formation House in the Diocese of Mazara del Vallo, since June 30, 2024


For the Diocese

- Pastor of "S. Lucia" Parish in Castelvetrano (TP), since January 11, 2024

- Professor of "Old Testament: Introduction, Pentateuch, and Historical Books" at the diocesan school of Theological Formation in the Diocese of Mazara, since 2024

- Member of the Pastoral Council "S. Lucia" Parish in Castelvetrano (TP), since September 29, 2024.


Positions held previously 

- Parrochial Vicar in Rome, October 2020 - August 31, 2023

- Vice-Responsible for the pfgm Vocations in Italy, 2021-2023

- Parrochial Vicar in Olbia, April 1, 2017-2018

- Teacher of Sacred Scripture at the Euromediterranean Institute ISSR in Tempio (OT), 2014-2016


FORMATION, School, Academic and Religious:

- Diploma in Programming at ITC "G. Garibaldi" in Marsala (TP), July 13, 1999

- Studied music at the University of Palermo "Literature and Philosophy" -  DAMS, 2000-2003 
- Baccalaureate in Sacred Theology at the Calabrian Theological Institute San Pio X of Catanzaro, June 30, 2010  
- Licentiate in Sacred Scripture at the Pontifical Biblical Institute of Rome, June 23, 2014
- Completed the Lectio Coram (year of preparation for the Doctorate) and was declared ready for the doctorate at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, June 22, 2016

- Obtaining Doctorate in Sacred Scripture at the Pontifical Biblical Institute of Rome, since January 13, 2020

- Has completed the Basic and Three-Year Religious formation (6.5 years) stipulated by the current Ratio Formationis, as of February 23, 2010

- Perpetually Professed since February 23, 2010


BRIEF PROFILE and LANGUAGES (for evangelization): 

His conversion began around 2003. An ex-atheist and a master musician, he spent his youth far from God in search of the pleasures of the world; but after an encounter with a member of our community who struck him with his disarming simplicity, he decided - after careful reflection - to leave everything and give himself totally to the Lord. In addition to Italian, he writes in two ancient languages - Hebrew and Greek - and has studied Akkadian, Aramaic, and classical Arabic, and has attained level B in English, French, and German, To read his complete testimony, click here.



Tel:  0039 3662571469 

email:   fragiuseppemg@gmail.com
Facebook:  Giuseppe Maria (Off. Prof.)










In addition to the primary work of evangelization (cf. Luke 10:7)

- Formator of the pfgm Formation House in Italy in the Diocese of Mazara del Vallo, since June 30, 2024

- Formator for the pfgm Discernment & Priestly Formation Team in Italy, since November 13, 2024

- Vice-Responsible of the Liturgy for the all pfsgm community, since June 27, 2024

- Sacristan


For the Diocese

Parochial Vicar of "St. Lucia" Parish in Castelvetrano (TP) since September 16, 2024

- Responsible of the Liturgy at "St. Lucia" Parish in Castelvetrano (TP) since May 23, 2024

- Member of the Pastoral Council of the Parish of "S. Lucia" in Castelvetrano (TP) since September 29, 2024.

- Member of the Commission for the Liturgy of the Parish "S. Lucia" in Castelvetrano (TP) since September 29, 2024.


Positions held previously 

- Volunteer at the soup kitchen in Noto, 2014-2020

- Appointed for the pfgm Convent of Noto in 2020

- Diaconal service carried out in Rome at the "Santi Martiri dell'Uganda" Parish in Rome, 2020-2022, & at the Rectory of San Giuseppe Capo le Case, 2022-2023


FORMATION, School, Academic and Religious:

- Diploma Tecnico dell'Industria del Mobile e dell'Arredamento Institute of Secondary Instruction “Galilei-Campailla” (Modica, RG), 2013-2014
- Two years of philosophy at the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome, 2015-2017

- Baccalaureate in Sacred Theology at the Pontifical Urbanian University in Rome, June 2021

- Obtaining Licentiate in pastoral Theology and human mobility at the Pontifical Urbanian University in Rome, since September 2021

- Has completed the Basic and Three-Year Religious formation (6.5 years) stipulated by the current Ratio Formationis pfsgm, as of March 25, 2021

- Perpetually Professed since  March 25, 2021


BRIEF PROFILE and LANGUAGES (for evangelization):
Having returned to himself after a period of wandering far from the Lord and His Church, he felt a strong desire to live the Gospel in poverty, after the manner of St. Francis of Assisi. He began to have different vocational experiences, until he encountered the Little Friars of Jesus and Mary and felt a "fire in his heart" burning within him (cf. Lk. 24:32) - so much so that he immediately asked to talk to the founder and to have an experience with the community as soon as possible (though he was advised to finish obtaining his degree since he had almost completed his studies). In addition to Italian, he is starting to be able to communicate in English and French. To read his complete testimony, click here [Italian].

Tel:  0039 3383198748  

email:  frafrancescomariacleopa@gmail.com
Facebook:  Fra Francesco Maria Cleopa (Pers. Prof.)








In addition to the primary work of evangelization (cf. Luke 10:7)

- Assistant for pfgm Formation and Promoter of pfgm Vocations in Italy since August 1st, 2022

- Promoter of pfgm portuguese-speaking Vocations, since September 20, 2022


For the Diocese

- Student in Philosophy and Theology at the Theological Faculty of Sicily.

- Catechist at "S. Lucia" Parish in Castelvetrano (TP) since September 27, 2024.


Positions held previously

In charge substitute for the Friary in Noto, since September 1°, 2022

- Assists with liturgical ministry at the Cathedral of Noto (SR). until 2023

- Chaplain collaborator at the Noto-Avola hospital, since March 2024

- Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion in Noto, until September 2024 

- Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion & Communion Service in Matamoros, until 2021


FORMATION, Academic and Religious:

- High School Diploma in Languages and Humanities at the school "E. Navarro" in Visieu (PT), June 22, 2018

- Studying Philosophy and Theology at the Theological Institute S. Paolo in Catania

- Is completing the Basic Religious Formation stipulated by the "Ratio Formationis" pfsgm, since July 2018

- Temporarily Professed, 3rd Year, since January 30, 2024


BRIEF PROFILE and LANGUAGES (for evangelization):

He has attended the Catholic Church since he was little. He met the Little Friars and Little Nuns when he was only 6 years old and when he was 8 he joined into his parents' adp-vv group of prayer (with the pfsgm community). As he grew up in this environment of prayer, he felt the desire when he was 15 to discover God's will for his life (as his sister was also doing) and so began his journey of discernment. In 2017, with his parents' blessing, he had his first month-long vocational experience with the pfgm community in Italy and when he turned 18 and finished his studies he left everything to come to Italy and begin his journey towards total consecration to the Lord. In addition to Portuguese, he speaks and writes in Spanish and English. To read his full testimony, click here.



Tel: 0039 371 5142174 

e-mail: fr.emanuelmaria@gmail.com
Facebook: Fr. Emanuel Maria (Off. Page)









In addition to the primary work of evangelization (cf. Luke 10:7)

- Assistant Promoter of Vocations in Italy and in English speaking countries, since April 28, 2024


For the Diocese

- Student in Philosophy and Theology at the Theological Faculty of Sicily.

- Catechist at the Parish "S. Lucia" of Castelvetrano (TP) since September 27, 2024.


FORMATION, Academic and Religious:

- High School Diploma at "South Terrebone" Highschool in Louisiana (USA), on May 22, 2019.

- Is completing the Basic Religious Formation stipulated by the Ratio Formationis pfsgm since 2021

- Temporary Professed, since October 27, 2024


BRIEF PROFILE and LANGUAGES (for evangelization):

Friar Gabriel grew up in a Catholic family in one of the most Catholic areas of Louisiana. When he was 14 years old, he met the youth minister at his parish and from then on felt the desire in his heart to give his whole life to the Lord. About a year later, he felt that the Lord might be calling him to become a diocesan priest, but he still had to finish his studies. When he graduated from highschool, the Lord helped him understand that it was not the right time to enter the seminary, and he decided to work for a year or two. During that period, he had closer contact with the community of the Little Friars of Jesus and Mary, where he had a brief experience, and he understood that the Lord had not permitted him to enter seminary precisely because He had other plans for his life. In addition to English, he speaks Spanish and Italian. To read his complete testimony, click here.



Tel: 0039 344 784 8204  

        001 985 855-6230  

e-mail: jacques205@icloud.com 

Facebook: Friar Gabriel M. Neri (Pers. Prof.)









In addition to the primary work of evangelization (cf. Luke 10:7)


- Cook and Responsible of the cleaning of the kitchen

- Responsible for the cleaning and order in the convent

- Responsible of the laundry

- Responsible for the disposal of separate waste collection


For the Diocese

- Collaborator for the pastoral care of the elderly and sick of "S. Lucia" Parish

- Acolyte


FORMATION, School, Academic and Religious:

- Highschool Diploma in Hospitality at "F. Martini" School in Montecatini, in 1983.

- Highschool Diploma in Accounting at ITIS "Paciotti" School, in 1997.

- Attended the Pontificial University "Angelicum" in Rome from 1997 to 2001.

- Food management course at Confartigianato in 2005.

- Is completing the Basic Religious Formation stipulated by the Ratio Formationis pfsgm, since 2023

- Novice since November 27, 2024


BRIEF PROFILE and LANGUAGES (for evangelization):

- He worked as the mayordomo of an American consul in Florence. In 2020, he met the community of the Little Friars and Little Nuns of Jesus and Mary through a group of prayer in Rome. He later decided to pursue vocational discernment with the Little Friars and entered the 6 months of experience.



e-mail: danipic65@gmail.com

Facebook: Fra Martino





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