Brazil - Formation House psgm...

In addition to the primary work of evangelization (cf. Luke 10:7)
For the Diocese
- Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion & Communion Service, since February 26, 2022
Positions held previously
- Formator for the psgm Formation House in Matamoros (MX), since March 19, 2022
- Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion & Communion Service, since February 26, 2022
- Responsible for adp-vv Prayer Groups in Brazil, 2021-2022
- Temporary Substitute Superior of psgm Formation House in USA, 2020-2021
- Assistant Formator in Ozieri (IT), 2017-2020
- Editorial Staff Collaborator in Ozieri (IT), 2017-2020
- Assistant Formator in Noto (IT), 2016-2017
- Vice-Responsible General of adp-vv Prayer Groups, 2015-2021
FORMATION, School, Academic and Religious:
- High School Diploma in Socio-Economic Studies at “E. Navarro” in Viseu (PT), September 4, 2013
- Studying Religious Studies at the "Tech Education" University, since November 10, 2021
- Has completed the Basic and Three-Year Religious Formation (6.5 years) stipulated by the current Ratio Formationis pfsgm as of February 2nd, 2020
- Perpetually Professed since February 2nd, 2020
BRIEF PROFILE and LANGUAGES (for evangelization):
She has attended the Catholic Church since she was little. She met the community of the Little Friars and Little Nuns of Jesus and Mary when she was only 11, and watching her father's conversion after he met the pfsgm community she was so impressed that she firmly decided to search out God's will for her so that she, too (cum gratia Dei) could help people change the way her father did. Shortly after her 18th birthday, with the blessing of her family and the Bishop of Visieu, she left everything to come to Italy and begin her journey toward total consecration to the Lord. In addition to Portuguese, she reads and writes Italian and Spanish; recently she has also been improving her English, thanks to her stay in the psgm formation house in Houma-Thibodaux (Louisiana, USA). She is also studying Chinese and French. To read her full testimony, click here.
tel: 55 41 8714-6331 
facebook: Ir. Clara Maria (Off. Page)

In addition to the primary work of evangelization (cf. Luke 10:7)
- Formator for the psgm Formation House in Curitiba (Brazil), since April 4, 2024
- In-charged of the adp-vv Prayer Groups in Brazil, since September 1, 2022
- Promoter of the Portuguese-speaking adp-vv Prayer Groups, since October 18, 2021
For the Diocese
- Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, since November 23, 2022
Positions held previously
- Youth Minister in Sospiro (IT), 2021-2023
- Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion in Cremona (IT), 2022-2023
- Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion in Ozieri (IT), 2021-2022
FORMATION, School, Academic and Religious:
- Diploma in General Education at the school "Paula Gomes" in Curitiba (BR), in 2000
- Attended a Technology course in biomedical systems at the Anchieta Institute in Curitiba (BR, in 2015)
- Has completed the Basic and Three-Year Religious Formation (6.5 years) stipulated by the current Ratio Formationis pfsgm as of February 18, 2024
- Perpetual Professed, since February 18, 2024
BRIEF PROFILE and LANGUAGES (for evangelization):
After a somewhat rebellious past, far from the Lord (due to some sufferings and injustices that she went through when she was very young), she discovered the mercy of God and began a journey of profound conversion which also led her to mature in her religious vocation. She encountered the community of the Little Friars and Little Nuns of Jesus and Mary through facebook and began a gradual course of discernment with Sr. Clara (which lasted for about a year). Feeling called to experience the lifestyle of the pfsgm, she left Brazil in August of 2017 to come to Italy, advancing with joy and enthusiasm on her journey towards total consecration to the Lord. In addition to Portuguese, she speaks and writes in Italian.
Tel: 55 41 9814-8542 
Facebook: Irmã Diletta Maria (pers. prof.)
In addition to the primary work of evangelization (cf. Luke 10:7)
- Assistant for psgm Vocations in Portuguese
- Assistant for adp-vv Prayer Groups in Portuguese
- Cook in the psgm Formation House in Curitiba (BR)
- Responsible Seamstress in Curitiba (BR)
- Assistant curator of Ir.pobres Instagram page
FORMATION, School, Academic and Religious:
- High School Diploma in General Education at “Jerônimo de Camargo” School in Jarinú (BR), in 2010
- Completing the basic religious formation according to the indications of the Ratio Formationis pfsgm, since September 7, 2022
- Novice since February 2024
BRIEF PROFILE and LANGUAGES (for evangelization):
During her youth she felt she had to make the most of life so she soon threw herself into the attractions of the world. Thanks to the lack of peace and a grace obtained after a strong prayer, she began her journey of conversion and the search for Holiness. Later, she met the Little Friars and Little Nuns of Jesus and Mary through a poster published on Facebook in which it was written: "There are those who on Saturday night look for the party that ends, and there are those who on Saturday night look for the party that does not end. We look for the one that does not end, and you?" Attracted and intrigued by this slogan she decided to contact the community, after a journey of discernment, she left Brazil to begin her journey of consecration. In addition to Portuguese, she speaks Spanish and also understands Italian.
Tel: 55 41 8860-7275 
Facebook: Agnese Maria

In addition to the primary work of evangelization (cf. Luke 10:7)
- Responsible of cleaning and order the psgm Formation House in Curitiba (BR)
- Sacristan in the psgm Formation House in Curitiba (BR)
- Assistant curator of the ir.pobres facebook page
For the Diocese
- Music ministry at the chapel "St. John the Baptist" and 2Our Lady of Sorrow" in Curitiba (BR)
FORMATION, School, Academic and religious:
- Diploma in General Education at the Estadual Barao do Rio Branco School, in Cachoeira de Pajeu (BR), in 2021
- Completing the basic religious formation according to the indications of the Ratio Formationis pfsgm, since May 22, 2023
- Novice since September 28, 2024
BRIEF PROFILE and LANGUAGES (for evangelization):
Jamilly was born in a simple Catholic family, the youngest of 11 brothers and sisters. When she was 14, she started to play soccer, participating in various school championships and receiving invitations to take up a professional career in the sector. One day, after hearing a priest's homily about the imitation of Christ, she realized that the Lord did not take the first place in her life, and from that moment a strong desire was born in her to know and conform herself more fully to the Word of God. Later, after reading the words of Jesus, "What profit is it if a man gains the whole world, but loses his soul?" (Mark 8:36), she decided to abandon soccer and, step by step, search for the Will of God for her life. When she was 18, she left her parents' house to begin her journey with the community. Today, in addition to Brazilian Portuguese, she understands Spanish and a bit of Italian.
Tel: 55 41 8723-8447 
Facebook: Ir Isabel Maria

In addition to the primary work of evangelization (cf. Luke 10:7)
- Helps with secretarial work at the psgm Formation House in Curitiba (BR)
- Assistant for the pfsgm official website in Portuguese
- Assistant Seamstress helper in the psgm Formation House in Curitiba (BR)
For the Diocese
- Collaborator for Social Pastoral in "Our Lady of Sorrow" Chapel in Curitiba (BR)
- Music Ministry at "St. John the Baptist" and "Our Lady of Sorrow" Chapels in Curitiba (BR)
FORMATION, School, Academic and Religious:
- Diploma in General Education from Juventino Nogueira Ramos School in Guaracai (BR), in 2013
- Licentiate in Pedagogy at the Federal University Mato Grosso del Sud (UFMS), in December 6, 2022
- Is completing the basic religious formation according to the indications of the Ratio Formationis pfsgm, since July 17, 2023
- Postulant since February 17, 2024
BRIEF PROFILE and LANGUAGES (for evangelization):
Born in a Catholic family, she began to search for her vocation from a young age. When she was 17 years old, she entered a convent to have an experience of religious life, but understood that that was not her charism and left to begin her studies in Pedagogy. Months later, she found a vocational group online led by the pfsgm community. She wanted to discern her vocation in a more profound and serious way in order to have more certain answers to her questions, and so began to participate in the vocational meetings; later she, together with her family, joined an adp-vv group of prayer with the community, and when she finished her university studies she joined the community. In addition to Brasilian Portuguese, she occasionally studies Italian.
Tel: 55 18 99158-2900 
Facebook: Ir Beatriz Maria
In addition to the primary work of evangelization (cf. Luke 10:7)
- Assistant Traslator in Portuguese
- Responsible of Laundry in the psgm Formation House in Curitiba (BR)
For the Diocese
- Music Ministry at "St. John the Baptist" and "Our Lady of Sorrow" Chapels in Curitiba (BR)
FORMATION, School, Academic and Religious:
- High School Diploma in General Education at “Francisco de Sá Cavalcante” School in Paulista (BR), in 2012
- Is completing the basic religious formation according to the indications of the Ratio Formationis pfsgm, since July 17, 2023
- Postulant since February 17, 2024
BRIEF PROFILE and LANGUAGES (for evangelization):
Born in a Catholic family, she is the eldest of three children. After a troubled adolescence, she drew near to the Lord and felt a desire to give her whole life to Him. In 2018, she met Sr. Clara online, and began a journey of discernment through an online vocational group. In 2023, when the psgm formation house opened in Brasil, she began her vocational journey within the community.
Facebook: Ir Carmela Maria
In addition to the primary work of evangelization (cf. Luke 10:7)
- Assitant Cook in the psgm Formation House in Curitiba (BR)
- Responsible for trash disposal at the psgm Formation House in Curitiba (BR)
For the Diocese
- Music Ministry at "St. John the Baptist" and "Our Lady of Sorrow" Chapels in Curitiba (BR)
FORMATION, School, Academic and Religious:
- High School Diploma in General Education at “Padre Magno – E.F.M.” School in Jacarezinho (BR), in 2006
- Is completing the basic religious formation according to the indications of the Ratio Formationis pfsgm, since February 3, 2024
- In the 6 months Experience, since February 3, 2024
BRIEF PROFILE and LANGUAGES (for evangelization):
Raised as an evangelical Protestant, Valeria converted to Catholicism in her adolescence. Later, she felt in her heart that she wanted to give more to the Lord, and despite the challenges, she persevered in her purpose of consecrating herself to God. In 2019, she met the community of the Little Friars and Little Nuns of Jesus and Mary on internet, and in August, she personally met some members of the Community during a mission in Brazil. After that, she began to participate to online vocational meetings with the psgm, where she gradually matured her discernment of God’s Will, until she entered the community in February 2024.
Facebook: Valeria Silva
In addition to the primary work of evangelization (cf. Luke 10:7)
- Helper for video editing
FORMATION, School, Academic and Religious:
- High School Diploma in General Education at "Colégio Agir" in Porto Alegre (BR), in October 16, 2023
- Is completing the basic religious formation according to the indications of the Ratio Formationis pfsgm, since February 3, 2024
- In the 6 months Experience, since February 3, 2024
BRIEF PROFILE and LANGUAGES (for evangelization):
She was born in a Catholic family. After a troubled adolescence among the things of the world, she got closer to the Lord and began to dedicate more and more time to him through various services in the diocese of origin, in the meantime the desire to give herself entirely to Christ began to grow in her heart. In 2022 she met a little nun on Instagram with whom she began a journey of discernment and in 2024 she entered the community to begin her journey of consecration to God.
Facebook: Vitoria Olmes
In addition to the primary work of evangelization (cf. Luke 10:7)
- Helper for translations into Portuguese
FORMATION, School, Academic and Religious:
- High School Diploma in Administration at “Professora Luzia Maria Machado” School in Arujá (BR), on February 11, 2020
- Is completing the basic religious formation according to the indications of the Ratio Formationis pfsgm, since March 29, 2024
- - In the 6 months Experience, since March 29, 2024
BRIEF PROFILE and LANGUAGES (for evangelization):
She was born into a non-practicing Catholic family, and since she was a child she stood out at school, winning several honor certificates. During her adolescence she went through some suffering that led her to seek God, approaching the Lord in a more concrete way through the Sacraments. When she was 18 she put all her energy into building a career, so she studied simultaneously for a degree in Pedagogy and Theology, with a view to having a stable life and then fulfilling her desire, which was to travel the world as an orchestra violinist. However, one day out of nowhere she was asked to give an essay on vocation in a group of young people and from there the desire to understand God's will for her started. In 2020 she met a little nun on Instagram, she began to do vocational accompaniment and participate in online meetings. Step by step, in prayer, she understood that the Lord was calling her to offer herself completely to Him. In 2024 she entered the Little Nuns to begin her journey of consecration to God.
In addition to the primary work of evangelization (cf. Luke 10:7)
- Assistant Secretary for the psgm Formation House in Curitiba (BR)
- Assistant for cleaning & desposal of waste for the psgm Formation House in Curitiba (BR)
FORMATION, School, Academic and Religious:
- High School Diploma in Administration from the Estadual Technical School (ETEC), in Apiaí (SP), in 2020.
- Graduated in Physical Education from the Pitágoras Anhanguera University, since 2020.
- In Basic Religious Formation according to the indications of the “Ratio Formationis” pfsgm,
since 2025.
- Experienced psgm since February 2, 2025.
BRIEF PROFILE and LANGUAGES (for evangelization):
Mariana è cresciuta in una famiglia cattolica. A 18 anni, per la prima volta, ha conosciuto personalmente una suora ed è rimasta così colpita da quell'incontro e dal fatto che possano esistere persone disposte a lasciare tutto per seguire Cristo, da farle sentire il desiderio di donare anche lei tutta la sua vita a Dio. A partire da quel momento ha cominciato a sforzarsi di conformare sempre di più la sua vita ai comandamenti del Signore. Nel 2022 ha conosciuto su internet i Piccoli Frati e Piccole Suore di Gesù e Maria, ed ha iniziato l'accompagnamento vocazionale mentre proseguiva i suoi studi di Educazione Fisica all'università. Nel 2025, a 22 anni di età comincia il suo cammino in comunità entrando nei 6 mesi di esperienza.
Oltre al primario lavoro di evangelizzazione (cfr. Lc 10,7)
- Aiutante in cucina
- Responsabile della spazzatura
FORMAZIONE Scolastica, Accademica e Religiosa:
- Diploma di maturità in educazione Generale alla Scuola "Angelina Jaime Tebet" in Ivinhema (MS), nel 2023.
- Esperiente psgm dal 17 febbraio 2025.
BREVE PROFILO e LINGUE per l’Evangelizzazione:
Maria di Fátima è nata il 12 ottobre 2005 in Brasile, in una famiglia cattolica. Come tanti giovani, dopo la cresima ha smesso di frequentare la Chiesa. Il suo ideale era essere hippie, ascoltare rock, girare per le strade, partecipare ai festival e farsi molti piercing. Tuttavia, a 18 anni, ha ricevuto un invito a partecipare a una novena. Quel momento semplice l'ha toccata profondamente e l'ha portata a tornare in Chiesa. Questo le ha fatto capire che cercare Dio le donava la felicità che prima non aveva. Nel mese di aprile ha conosciuto la comunità pfsgm attraverso un video su Instagram, sentendosi attratta dallo stile di vita è entrata in contatto e ha cominciato un cammino di discernimento della Volontà di Dio, e la ricerca per la Santità, desiderio che muove il suo cuore.
Oltre al primario lavoro di evangelizzazione (cfr. Lc 10,7)
- Aiutante stireria
- Aiutante sartoria
FORMAZIONE Scolastica, Accademica e Religiosa:
- Diploma di maturità in educazione Generale alla Scuola "Colégio estadual São José", in Lapa (PR), nel 2022.
- Esperiente psgm dal 23 febbraio 2025.
BREVE PROFILO e LINGUE per l’Evangelizzazione:
Maria Rita è nata il 7 ottobre 2004 in una piccola città del Paraná, in Brasile. La sua vita è, in un certo senso, un miracolo vivente, per le volte in cui il Signore l'ha salvata dalla morte. Infatti, porta il nome Rita in omaggio a Santa Rita da Cascia, patrona delle cause impossibili. A 11 anni sente la chiamata di Dio alla vita religiosa e, da quel momento, ha iniziato a cercare di comprendere meglio la sua fede. È entrata nelle pastorali e nei movimenti della parrocchia. Una volta maggiorenne, ha fatto un'esperienza vocazionale in una comunità religiosa, ma, capendo che quello non era il luogo dove il Signore la chiamava, è uscita e ha continuato la sua ricerca. Ha conosciuto i Piccoli Frati e le Piccole Suore attraverso sorella Mariana Quinol, che faceva anche accompagnamento vocazionale con la comunità. Nel 2025 comincia anche lei il suo processo di discernimento con i pfsgm.
Oltre al primario lavoro di evangelizzazione (cfr. Lc 10,7)
- Aiutante lavanderia
FORMAZIONE Scolastica, Accademica e Religiosa:
- Diploma di maturità in educazione Generale alla Scuola "CEEP Liceu Parnaíbano" in Parnaíba (PI), nel 2022.
- Esperiente psgm dal 23 febbraio 2025.
BREVE PROFILO e LINGUE per l’Evangelizzazione:
Alice è cresciuta in una famiglia cattolica non praticante, quindi ha conosciuto Gesù attraverso il catechismo e il gruppo di chierichetti di cui faceva parte. Fin da presto, la parrocchia ha avuto una presenza importante nella sua vita. A 16 anni, mentre doveva scegliere il suo percorso scolastico e il futuro, ha iniziato a sentire dentro di sé il desiderio di conoscere la chiamata di Dio per lei. In seguito, mentre partecipava a un ritiro, ha sentito che il Signore la chiamava a donare tutta la sua vita. Nel 2024 ha conosciuto personalmente i Piccoli Frati e Piccole Suore di Gesù e Maria e, colpita dal loro carisma, ha iniziato il suo processo di discernimento con i pfsgm. Oltre il portoghese, capisce lo spagnolo e sta imparando l'italiano
Oltre al primario lavoro di evangelizzazione (cfr. Lc 10,7)
- Aiutante in cucina
- Aiutante per la spazzatura
FORMAZIONE Scolastica, Accademica e Religiosa:
- Diploma di maturità in educazione Generale alla Scuola "Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica" em Piauí, nel 2001.
- Laureata in Serviço Social, nell'Università Federale del Piauí, nel 2006.
- Esperiente psgm dal 23 febbraio 2025.
BREVE PROFILO e LINGUE per l’Evangelizzazione:
Regina è nata a Teresina, nel nord-est del Brasile, nel 1983, in una famiglia cattolica praticante. A 14 anni ha sentito la chiamata alla vita religiosa e, così, ha iniziato a partecipare ancora più attivamente alla vita della Chiesa. Inizialmente ha fatto parte di una comunità di laiche consacrate, ma sentiva che il Signore le chiedeva ancora di più. In seguito ha fatto una breve esperienza in una comunità religiosa, ma sentiva che neanche quello era il suo posto. Dopo l'ultima esperienza, mentre pregava il Signore chiedendogli di mostrarle il suo posto, ha contattato un sacerdote che le era stato indicato. Senza saperlo, quest'ultimo le ha suggerito la comunità PFSGM. Negli stessi giorni, una suora di un'altra comunità religiosa, senza sapere, le ha indicato nuovamente la comunità PFSGM. Colpita da questa "Dio-incidenza", ha contattato la responsabile vocazionale e ha iniziato il suo percorso di accompagnamento. Oltre il portoghese, parla anche lo spagnolo e capisce l'inglese e l'italiano.